Tuesday, May 26, 2009

First Crushes….

I know that Katelyn will probably hate me for writing this blog – but I just cannot resist. It is hard to know that my little girl is growing up and after the last little bit there is no way of getting around it. She had attended a friend’s birthday party not long ago where they watched the High School Musical 3 movie. It was after this party that she was interested in watching the movies and where this all began. We soon found that the reason why she wanted to watch the movies was to watch “Troy”. It soon became a joke each time we would see a picture of Zac Efron we would tease her that there was her boyfriend. It has been fun to watch her blush and get embarrassed over it. It is official though after today she is not shy about it anymore.

This afternoon she came up to me and asked for my camera. A little bit worried about her using it I asked why. She would not tell me other than she wanted to take a picture. Realizing that she was watching High School Musical on TV I asked her to draw a picture instead. She soon ran upstairs with a picture of a boy playing basketball. It was so cute that I went onto the Internet and printed off a few pictures of Zac and put them in a sheet cover. I then walked out of the room and handed it to her. Her face lit up as her eyes grew big and the “Oooo…” came out of her mouth. She than ran into her bedroom closed the door to hide the pictures. Later on I found them hanging up on her bedroom wall. When Brian came home he asked if she thought he was cute and she will proudly tell us now - yes. She has now come in and asked for more pictures and has 6 pictures of him in her room. What are we going to do when she gets older?